The NECEN Voyage

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Davis, William S. The NECEN Voyage. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1985.

An instructional work for teaching basic computer science. "A professor and members of the Special Miniature Force shrink themselves to bit [sic: bit, not byte] size and enter a computer network to stop a sinister hijacker, who has seized control of all computerized operations from Washington to Boston" (Summary, in Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data). The computer is NECEN, the North East Central Computer, and the hijacker is a hacker who calls himself "The Harlequin." See entries in this section for J. T. Sladek, The Müller-Fokker Effect; B. N. Malzberg, "The Men Inside"; H. Ellison, "'Repent, Harlequin!'. . . . " Note also Isaac Asimov, Fantastic Voyage (1966), and the film INNERSPACE (see under Drama).