Postmodern Technoculture, or The Gordian Knot Revisited

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Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan, Jr. "Postmodern Technoculture, or The Gordian Knot Revisited." Rev. Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism by Frederic Jameson; Strange Weather[:] Culture, Science[,] and Technology in the Age of Limits by Andrew Ross; and Technoculture, Constance Penley and Andrew Ross, eds. SFS #58, 19.3 (Nov. 1992): 4-3-410.

The books under review are listed by author under Fiction for Penley and Ross and Background for Jameson. This is an important brief essay in itself making the point that "The fear of being considered latter-day Luddites or unhip in a technoculture may be leading many intelligent commentators to give up the ethical subject as historical agent a bit precipitously. . . . If individual subjectivities are de-legitimized in favor of the cyborg, whose choices can never be pre-figured, who will choose how to change technological design to make it more democratic? What will democracy be for?" (410). See J. Fekete "The Post-Liberal Mind/Body, Postmodern Fiction, and the Case of Cyberpunk SF." (RDE, 21/03/93)