Nos amis robots

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Martel, Suzanne. Nos amis robots. Montréal, Quebec: Héritage, 1981. Galaxie.[1] French.

Abe Books summary: "When two missing astronauts return to earth after being cared for by the Amandarians; no one thinks to inquire about the robots that have been brought back as presents for Adam Colbert and Eve Kevin."[2]

From "Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy," an annotated reading list from the National Library of Canada: "The world's power has failed. Spaceships of unknown origin plough through space. Robots obey their true masters. And two young boys wonder whether they will ever see their families again in this futuristic adventure for young readers." (p. 5)

WorldCat on line summary:

Deux cosmonautes rescapés de l'espace par des Amaradaniens rapportent sur terre deux robots. L'un est destiné à Alex de Montréal, l'autre, à Eve de Vancouver. Ces machines s'avèrent être plus que de simples automates. Alex, son ami Marc et Eve, bousculés par les événements, contribuent à la défaite des Worlaks qui menacent la Terre et Amandara Tetra de destruction. [...][3]

RDE, finishing, 5Jan22