I, Robot (Asimov)

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Asimov, Isaac. I, Robot. New York: Gnome, 1950. New York: NAL, 1956. See Cox and Libby biblio. under Reference Works, for other rpts.

Contents: "Robbie," "Runaround," "Reason," "Catch That Rabbit," "Liar!" "Little Lost Robot," "Escape!" "Evidence," "The Evitable Conflict." ("Robbie" appeared as "Strange Playfellow" in Super Science Stories, 1940; the rest appeared in Astounding: "Reason" and "Liar!" in 1941, "Runaround" in 1942, "Catch That Rabbit" in 1944, "Escape!" under the title "Paradoxical Escape" in 1945, "Evidence" in 1946, "Little Lost Robot" in 1947, and "The Evitable Conflict" in 1950.) See essays in The Mechanical God by J. Sanders and C. Thomsen, cited under Literary Criticism.[[1]]

Discussed for its racial aspects in Isiah Lavender's Race in American Science Fiction.