This wiki is a continuation of Clockworks: A Multimedia Bibliography of Works Useful for the Study of the Human/Machine Interface in SF, compiled by Richard D. Erlich and Thomas P. Dunn et al., Greenwood Press, 1993.[1]
For technical information of a biblio-, filmo-, video-, and discographic nature, see the Introduction.
For advice and frequently asked questions (FAQs) on how to use the wiki, see the section How to Use This Wiki.
In our annotations we have sometimes used initials for the names of authors and the titles of the works cited in that entry: e.g., Frederik Pohl's story "The Midas Plague" would be FP's "TMP"; Frederik Pohl's Man Plus would be FP's MP.
Authors and works referred to frequently in our annotations by last name only (e.g. Cox and Libby, Johnson, Naha, Orth, Sobchack, Warrick, Wolfe) are cited under Reference Works.
"Drama" in the Wiki is a large term, including stage-plays, films, episodes of TV shows, and some audio performances.
The format, with minor exceptions, follows the late 20th-c. Modern Language Association format for lists of works cited as given in Joseph Gibaldi and Walter S. Achtert, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (New York: MLA, 1988), section 4. Quotation marks around titles indicate a short story, poem, song, or other short work. Italicized titles indicate books, films, paintings. Film listings are by title, in CAPS, with other information following. (Note that regularizing FILM TITLES to capital letters is a work in progress on the Wiki, as is adding dates to films that are remakes retaining the same title.)