Family Guy: PeTerminator

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Family Guy: "PeTerminator." Season 19, episode 13, running #362. Fox-TV 7 March 2021. Joe Vaux, director. Mark Hentemann, script. Seth MacFarlane, creator, developer (with David Zuckerman), several key voices.

Parody of THE TERMINATOR and TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY, primarily, plus other works in the Terminator franchise. Logline on TV listing, "Stewie designs a 'Terminator' Peter robot to destroy Lois for trying to feed him broccoli, but when things don't go according to plan, Stewie and Brian must go on a Terminator-esque mission to save Stewie's life." At least initial IMDb version: "Stewie builds a Terminator resembling Peter to destroy Lois for trying to make him eat broccoli, but his life is in danger when things don't go as planned."[1] More detailed and more correct plot summary on the Family Guy Fandom wiki entry for the episode, which see at link.[2] Key element: a feud that begins in the present time pits best friends Stewie's and Brian against each other, leading to TERMINATOR-style apocalyptic warfare in the future, and then, with time-travel, the present.

Note especially Terminator versions of continuing characters on the show, including Brian, and the imaging of time-travel portals.

RDE, finishing, 7Mar21