Category:Graphic & Plastic Arts
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Jump to navigationJump to search"Graphic & Plastic Arts" encompasses works often called "art" and not necessarily characterized as music, film, or literature. Paintings and sculpture are listed here but also video games, comics, graphic novels, posters, and works that may be tentatively cross-listed elsewhere (see also Fiction, Drama, and Background).
Articles in category "Graphic & Plastic Arts"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 396 total.
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- The Air Loom
- Allen Wexler (review of exhibit)
- The Alure of the Electronic: The Changing Vocabulary of Video Sculpture
- Allégorie sur la machine dévoreuse des hommes (Allegory of the Men-Eating Machine)
- Aloff, Mindy: Dance Department
- America as Art (Futurism and other movements)
- Anguy, Yves, with André Breton and Jacqueline Breton. Cadavre exquis (Exquisite Corpse)
- Animation and Related Media
- AQUAMAN (film from comic, 2018)
- Art in America (review of art exhibit)
- Art into Life: Russian Constructivism, 1914-32
- Art Invents A Jarring New World From Technology
- The Art of Design
- ArtBots: The Robot Talent Show—ArtBots Take Manhattan
- Ascending and Descending. Lithograph, 1960
- Auth, Tony. "Today's Auth Cartoon." The Philadelphia Inquirer 2 May 2001
- AVALON (2001)
- Aycock, Alice: Retrospective of Projects and Ideas, 1972-1983
- Azrael (comics)
- Bailey, Clayton. Robot Sculptures
- Balance of Power (painting)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum (video game)
- Benjamin, Walter, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
- Betty (comic strip)
- Beyond Modern Sculpture
- Bigger Than Worlds
- Birmingham (UK) 2022 Commonwealth Games Mechanical Bull
- Bizzaro Robot Comp Teacher
- Black to the Future: Interviews with Samuel R. Delany, Greg Tate, and Tricia Rose
- BLADE RUNNER—2020 Foresight
- Bodies and Machines
- Bodies in Cyberspace
- Boltbeak: The Art of Basil Wolverton
- The Bride and the Bachelors: The Heretical Courtship in Modern Art
- Bridging Purism and Surrealism: The Origins and Production of Ferdinand Leger's Ballet Mechanique
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: The Complete Newspaper Dailies, Volume One, 1929–1930
- Buddha and Keyboard
- Building Machines (art review)
- Burtynsky, Edward: Catalog of Photographs
- Caldwell, John, "What if Technology Invaded History?!?"
- Carplays
- Chico MacMurtrie: Amorphic Robot Works
- Cincinnati Collects: The Corporate View
- Computers Should Be Seen As Artists' Tools Rather Than Enemies of the Arts
- Constantin Brancusi, A. C. Danto Art Column
- Conversation with Alice Aycock, A
- Crabgrass Cartoons July 2024
- Creating Frank and Ernest for 29 April 1994
- Creating Maitz, Don, Cyteen II (painting)
- Creepy Swiss Automatons
- CSI Skill Tree
- Cyber Crush No. 4
- Cybercultures (review)
- Cybernetic (City) State: Terminal Space Becomes Phenomenal, The
- Cybernetic Serendipity
- Cybernetics, Arts, and Ideas
- Cyberpunk 2020 (role-playing game)
- Cyberpunk and Visual Culture
- Cybersexualities: A Reader on Feminist Theory, Cyborgs and Cyberspace
- Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Development
- Cyborg (lower case)
- The Cyborg Handbook
- Dada and Surrealist Art
- Dada New York: An Historiographical Analysis
- Dada-Constructivism: The Janus Face of the Twenties
- Dada/Dimensions
- Dada: Performance, Poetry, and Art
- Dadamax: Ernst in the Context of Cologne Dada
- Dalek SARS-CoV-2
- Darkwing Duck
- Darwinia and Multiwinia (video games)
- Design by Algorithm. An exhibit by Scott Burns
- Designing the Future (imaging BLADE RUNNER)
- Designing the technology of BLADE RUNNER 2049
- Deus Ex (video games)
- Die Zwitscher-Maschine
- Dilbert (comic strip) 9 May 2002
- Dilbert comic strip, Sunday, 26 May 2002
- Disappearing Through the Skylight: Culture and Technology in the Twentieth Century
- Doing It Digitally: Rosalind Brodsky and the Art of Virtual Female Subjectivity
- Doing It for Ourselves: Two Feminist Cyber-Readers
- Doktor Sleepless Volume 1
- Don’t @ us: The Problem with Tweeting
- Doom's IV (video game)
- Doonesbury for 3 May 1993
- Dr. Evermor's Forevertron
- Dreamquests: The Art of Don Maitz.
- The Dredd Phenomenon
- Duchamp in Context: Science and Technology in the Large Glass and Related Works
- Duchamp, Marcel. Boîte-en-valise (Box in a Suitcase)
- Duchamp, Marcel. Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2
- Family Guy: PeTerminator
- FASA Corporation: BattleTech
- Fille née sans mère (Girl Born Without a Mother)
- Film Architecture: From METROPOLIS to BLADE RUNNER
- Five Nights at Freddy's
- The Forever War: Forever Free (graphic novel)
- Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension
- Francis Picabia, Radiometers, and X-rays in 1913
- Frank and Ernest for 24 July 1994
- From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
- The Functional and the Conventional in the Dada Philosophy of Raoul Hausmann
- Futurama: "Xmas Story"
- Futurism & Futurisms
- Futurism: A Modern Focus
- Game Drain
- Getting Immersed in Star Trek: Storytelling Between "True" and "False" on the Holodeck
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Giger's Alien
- Giraud, Jean
- Gizmo Duck
- The Golem Remembered
- Goliath (short story)
- Grace Under Pressure (album)
- Grimsburg: "Murder on the Splurt Express"
- Grimsburg: The Danish Dilemma
- La guerre au vingtième siècle
- Gunnm
- Gödel, Escher, Bach
- H. R. Giger's Biomechanics
- H. R. Giger's Ghost/Nightmare Train
- H2SO4: Dada in Russia
- Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace
- Hardware (comic)
- The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space
- History of Robots
- Horizon Zero Dawn (game)
- How Art Geared Up to Face Industry in Modern America
- HPSCHD: Multimedia Composition
- Hybrid Child (manga)
- I Came, I Saw, I Blew (rev. Tubes by P. Pacheco)
- I Take Pictures of Electronic Parts
- The Illustrated BLADE RUNNER
- Illustrations for The War of the Worlds
- L'Illustrazione di Fantascienza e Fantasy in Italia—Italian SF & Fantasy Art
- The Industrial Photographs of Lewis Wickes Hine and Margaret Bourke-White
- An industrial robot putting Jesuses on crosses
- Installation: Nests
- Invader Zim
- Inverse Square Law (art work)
- Invitation to the Game
- IPhone as Alien Facehugger
- Iron Man comics, "Broadcast Storm"
- Iron Man/War Machine comic series
- Isaac Asimov's Ultimate Robot (CD-ROM)
- Jacking In to the Matrix Franchise: Cultural Reception and Interpretation
- Janelle Monáe
- John Berkey, Painted Space
- John Henry (folklore)
- Joseph Stella's Man in Elevated (Train)
- Judgment Day! (EC comic story)
- Jules Verne's Dream Machines: Technology and Transcendence
- Just the Tip: A Photographic Series
- JUSTICE LEAGUE (animated film)
- Landscape and Locodescription in William Gibson's Neuromancer
- The Last Starship (PC game)
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, DC Comics
- Legion (TV series)
- Lightship (Jim Burns on SF book covers)
- Livid
- Loom by Basile Bouchon
- Love Among the Machines (article, 1946)
- The Luminous Image: Video Installations at the Stadelijk Museum
- The Machine Age in America, 1918-1941 (review of exhibit)
- The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age
- Machines and Art
- Machineworks: Vito Acconci, Alice Aycock, Dennis Oppenhiem (exhibition catalog)
- The Magic Mirror: Dada and Surrealism from a private collection
- Maitz, Don Over the Clouds (painting)
- Maitz, Don The Hot Sleep (painting)
- Maitz, Don, Catchworld (painting)
- Maitz, Don, E.S.P. Worm (painting)
- Maitz, Don, Empire Fleet Transport (painting)
- Maitz, Don, Escape from Below (painting)