Replications: A Robotic History of the Science Fiction Film

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Telotte, J.P. Replications: A Robotic History of the Science Fiction Film. Urbana: U of IL P, 1995.

An important work by a major scholar of SF film summarized adequately if somewhat condescendingly by the publisher, using italics for titles where the Wiki uses capitals: "Beginning with a pre-history of the filmic robot, J. P. Telotte traces its development through early sci-fi [sic] landmarks such as METROPOLIS (1926), the alien films of the 1950s (including FORBIDDEN PLANET), and recent explorations of the artificial human in BLADE RUNNER, ROBOCOP (1987), and the Terminator films." Replications looks at "changing cultural attitudes toward technology, the body, gender roles, human intelligence, reality, and even film itself," including in serials and minor films often overlooked.[1]

(RDE 3Jjan15)